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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Set Apart

So, we just got back from the convention in Orlando. Let me tell you I've been to nine of these things and they get better every year, except for this one. Don't get me wrong it was great and all but compared to the last two conventions, I can only remember back that far, it could've been better. I've seen what the Wesleyan church can do and I know that it can do soo much better!! But again, I'm not saying it was horrible and that I didn't like it. So on lighter note, some things that I did like about it: the speakers, they were awesome!! Every one of them kept me on my toes; the bands, Kutless, Fireflight, and especially Family Force 5 rocked; and of course getting to see the coolest people in the world whom I don't get to see except at these conventions. So despite the fact that it could've been stronger, the Set Apart Convention was awesome!!